Elizabeth Venn Psychotherapy & Counselling Farnham, Surrey

How can counselling and psychotherapy help you?

We have all felt the benefits of chatting to a good friend, however a friend who knows you and your family just might feel too close to talk to.
The opportunity to talk to a trained professional in a confidential and non-judgemental space feels far more contained and safe.

I am trained as an open ended and brief time limited therapist and I am also a clinical supervisor, (offering therapy in Surrey and Hampshire areas) these options are open to discussion after an initial meeting to discuss your individual needs.
Problems can be identified and worked through on a one to one basis or through attending group sessions.

How do I work?

I am a psychodynamic therapist and have a special interest and knowledge in object relations and attachment .

It is my belief that the relationship between the therapist and client,is paramount in developing the work I do through trust and feeling safe and secure. once this is established I can then explore the unconscious meaning of behaviour and possible difficulties my client is experiencing.
I feel it is essential that as a therapist I am supportive and can then challenge those feelings and behaviours which are causing difficulties for my clients.
This insight is helpful in leading to personal growth and emotional well being in my clients.

The psychodynamic approach can be used in brief and longer term counselling, central to this is working through the client's early childhood relationships ,and making links with difficult attachments which are mirrored in my clients adult life and in their present relationships.
The therapist and client, work within the exploration of the client's inner world relationships, to uncover feelings of conflict and anxiety, which are often unconscious.

Benefits of Psychotherapy and Counselling include:

• Find self confidence through self expression, exploration and reflection
• Look after your own needs and those you love
• Move on and make better choices
• Face trauma towards acknowledgement and acceptance
• Resolve relationship issues – past and present
• Find a new meaning to your life
• Contentment

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